Cia shonen

So something crazy happened to me and now I’m trying to make sense of it over 40 days on youtube. The premise is a man ranting at a kareoke bar. all the rants are based on true events that happened in my life and head. it’s separated into seasons or nights at the kareoke bars by music or cartoons.

Additional Info…

So before the harassment, I became the holy ghost and decided influencing religion was stupid because clearly it doesn’t matter. Jesus came and was ignored. Most Christians protect members of their community who have done irredeemable things. There are still Jewish people. Hell, there are still hunters and gatherers. the world does not “advance” so much as it expands to allow various lifestyles… This version of events SUCKS ASS… why are pedophiles protected? I grew up with two… They suck… acting all nice and then being complete tools the minute you question their behavior. Why is rape culture a thing? Only explanation that I’ve found is “Someone said it’s okay”

I’m saying it’s not. Nor is destroying the environment of those who still live in harmony with the land. For fucks sake you already killed enough biodiversity. And how dare you all let the rich take away the commons? So with the time that I have left with you fucks. 52 yrs or so. Let’s try and make things a little easier on people… Here’s some steps we could take as a globe but fat chance you’ll listen to someone who isn’t vetted before the social media cataclysm.

OK is me… Sir Kyle. k-wullums. Keelay Ahsley Wullums the Godslayer. Killed myself in 2015 to come to this hell despite my pleading otherwise. but feel free to ignore me or take me the wrong way just like you did Jesus. Unlike Jesus, Don’t kill me again. death hurts but not as much as being brought back, and i will come back… this is rock bottom as far as earths go. Fuck it’s painful. just slap me with 5 bucks on venmo or a patreon sub if you like the new holiness. If you spread my message with your words… that’s on you. If you send my videos. I’m not claiming you, but thanks. I am one man who has had tooooooo many people in his head for toooooooo long and we need to recognize that most “Gods” are just groups of people referred to by one name. We still do this. Think of “Gods” as sports mascots. As much as people are anti-semetic, maybe don’t all pray to their group of people.

Luckily, i did manifest some bits of unlocalized consciousness. These turned into I, me, them, we, Li, max, and A-Z, or Ida, amy, Ellie (emmi), Wesley, Lisa, Max, and Azy. They travel through time and talk to people so a lot of rumors have been spread based on their dumbass understanding of life. Amy is the smartest, ida not far behind, Ellie is misguided, Wesley and lisa are probably the god and satan you are familiar with, but Wesley is not all knowing, just is outside time so doesn’t experience life. just watches the forrest for the trees. Lisa came down to find the others and got addicted to sex and drugs so she possesses people and fornicates… sounds like the devil doesn’t it? These beings came into existence in 2023 so they speak english and had to learn every other language they came across. hence all the mistranslations.

So with that out of the way. Here it is. There is no omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent being. The closest is a clone of ida whose head exploded after absorbing the first three, creating the “Oh shit” or ocean that lisa dove into and Wesley stayed out of. Even then wouldn’t be possible to be any of those three tenants because of the following. If something was omnipotent, why can’t it stop me despite how many times I deny it’s existence? Just doesn’t want to? Too busy? Why can’t it change those? Be powerful enough to stop being too busy… All knowing? Could it lie to itself? if so it wouldn’t know everything accurately and if not it wouldn’t know how to do that… Everywhere? or just wherever you go? and what if it wasn’t aware of what’s outside it’s perview? Even humans admit what we can experience is just the visible universe but we’re pretty sure there’s more out there… So stop looking for a shithead that fills those three. Definitely don’t try and pray to something claiming to be that because your prayers will be answered by a liar.

and if this is all seeming too culty or I’m too sure of myself… remember that’s how all of these started… the age of the singular ruler or annionted one is at an end. the “Gods” are leaving for better realms. humans are stuck playing in their own filth. make the best of it. here’s some hints.

1) It’s easier to process abuse impact without those people around… get rid of em…

2) The rich have always sucked ass. That’s why you read the bible. To remember the various jerk moves of rich assholes. Proverbs is survivorship bias. Samuel is biblical 50 shades. Leviticus is the rabbi’s being jerks about sin, saying “if you do the deeds, we cook the meats.” Job shows that god IS NOT all powerful as Job wished to have never been born and god couldn’t do that. Adam and Eve were child slaves being abused… Their master kicked them out for being clothed… Beginning of the jewish heritage sure but NOT the beginning of the world…

2a) you don’t need to be rich to pick up their bad habits… don’t do that…

3) The world is too complex to understand and maybe don’t try. The people there will have something figured out. You aren’t smarter because you live different… Futhermore, there is no group that is destroying the world. each one has it’s fair share of rapists and pedos. Every race, every gender, every nationality has a few they need to get rid of. The exception being the british because that’s who they were… the criminals…

4)getting rid of people sucksssssssssss. Even if they were abusive it’s hard to block numbers, call cops, or gather support. Because of this… it would really help to make something better than the current prison system. My suggestion is reverse the colonialism of Britain and use that as the world’s prison colony… once that’s established it will make removing pieces of shit easier. You don’t have to kill em, worry about em coming back, or remove em yourself. Just take them to task, trail, and exile. I’ve basically done this with my father and it worked out great. If you want to do this in your church put someone on the cross and see if anyone cuts em down… if not… call the cops… monday morning round up. If you are worried about this happening to you, ask your friends if they would cut you down. My friends saw I was in crisis and brought me groceries back in june that are still feeding me. if you don’t have friends like that, you fucked up.

5)Experiment with this!!! I’m not the be all end all… just the be chill, end rape… Again… Yah weh and jesus created a total bastard of a following and I don’t really think it’s fair to expect me to not examine their teachings… Other religions have plenty to offer… so do Christianity, Judaism, and Islam… but your god is your people not your imaginary friend you think knows everything, jaggoff… so play around with it. If people don’t vibe, find new people, if people protect pedo’s and rapists… different story. Alert the authorities. Authorities protecting them such as the NSA and CIA? well now you know why I hate my afterlife or whatever…

So that’s it… You’ll probably keep lying to yourselves and others but that’s not my problem… I’m starting a sex work friendly euthanasia clinic / retirement home. Business is crap… power is crap… just want to fuck and kill and have some fucking fun before i die again and then have to start this whole shit over in the next recursive function of the universe. If you don’t want part of that… please never talk to me… i do not care about you. focus on the god you build with your community, not the one the guy in the robes who diddles the kids tells you will vindicate him…

as jackie chan’s uncle would say, one more thing, this is why you sing “Our god is an awesome god” not “The god is the awesome…”