Life Got Me By
By yaboi Keelay Ahsley Wullums
Unearthed, bald and sticky.
Tainted water gripping
clammy webs of flesh
with no spiders silk to speak of.
Mashed and pulled
in summer heat.
clingy tightly and yet
as slippery as can be
Irritated and speckled as time goes by
vanity’s hostility
found in locomotive agitation.
Agitation. Agitation repeating
a siren’s call to past mistakes,
another jump for sour grapes.
A fertile temple lain to waste.
No communion ever taken.
Empty alters under constant agitation
washed away by growth
and blanketed in calm.
And slipping into ambivalence,
mingling filaments
filling in lack of diligence.
Lackluster ambitiousness
held back by uncertainty
and comfort.
It never stops.
Masks of all the finest cloth
and underneath a cloak
of unwoven threads.
Frayed and rejected.
Barely inspected, but by the eyes that would have them
A sense of dispassionate companionship.
the body accepting what the mind cannot.
All at once interrupted
by the faintest of a passing glance,
fading ghosts of a fleeting chance
prevented in lapse of maintenance.
Now left to dance with thought and ask:
Would it be any easier…
Would it feel any better…
If I were smooth?