Guess What Reds?! You Blues Lose!!!

What’s youtube? it’s your bad boi bunty o’bisciuts dranko and I have to break character for one video.

I am a real person and real entertainer and i do hope this is really entertaining but i did have a semi seizure for like 40 days straight and now my body is like the bus from speed. If i talk much slower than I do in these videos, I start to cunvulse after almost every sentence unless I am in the direct presence of another human being and that has been denied to me save for a few interactions where being honest about my condition did me no favors. After clearing my head, These videos serve as a way for me to monitor my condition and make sense of the aftermath of being time lasered. 

With that being said. To Anyone who has taken offense to these videos. Good. Stay mad. 

If you want my attention, get it. Otherwise, I’d advise you shadow players with your public personas non gratas to understand that the smallest voice has just as much weight as the wrecking ball you were gonna use to shove that camel through the eye of the needle and when i speak, i shiver because the ghosts of the children you sent to war, work, and the trash heap once you were done diddling em can’t wait to watch you fall. 

So ketchup internet and reccognize that like… blue has always been a thing. I still see posts about this shit and it drives me up the wall. I know this video exists in some format somewhere where some douche with similar hair says similar things but i assume milo was too busy or i already got his and kyle hill’s take by osmosis because there was never a time before blue as far as humans are concerned. 

This last bastian of “our ancients were idols as there’s were idiots and we’re better than both” once again serves to remind anyone with half a frontal cortex, research ain’t for everybody. Stop hey what’s that sound, i’m pretty sure this time alex jones caught wind of something akin to the truth because this radiolab rumor spread like wildfires on the college campuses of my youth. People seem to think that an absence of blue in the bible and homer’s tale’s means people saw the world without the eye color nazi’s hold so near and dear to their heart.

This was never the case and anyone who believes such is an absolute idiot. Of course they had a word for blue. Greeks, jews, chinese, kush, navajo and soiux, All had words for blue. You just don’t know it. You know how i know this? What color are greek rooves on santorini? What color is that rock in new mexico? What color is the colorado state flower? You know this one. They named a bowling ally after it. Shout out officer jenna. Oh but what of the wine sea and sky? Glad you asked you rose tinted asses. When has failing to describe something precluded you from perceiving it? Aren’t the very disagreements between our indescribable perceptions the basis of the very poetry you analize? Here’s a poem for ya percy byce, Red in the morning, sailors take warning… What are all those stories about? Epic sea battles. Christ diogenes, You read a girls period journal and assume the red tide flows worldwide daily between those thighs.

I can’t believe we still have remnant posts 12 years after the internet lost it’s collective mind to the ancient literary equivalent of “It was dark and stormy night.” i use the same phrases multiple times a video for emphasis or forgetfulness and you expect various oral traditions to be held to a higher standard? The prejudice continues to this day. Ever notice how movies in that region are somehow more yellow than what you’re used to? Balderdash, you sog out the stroke side of your mutton chopped picasso proscenium, or as you mince meat pie packers call your stiff upper lip. Okay, liverwart, what’s the most meme worthy image from dune? The blue eyes of the spice sniffers. Way to give anyone looking for a pinkman an excuse to cut a hole in their floorboards, hollywood. Hurt Locker, Transformers, Pacific Rim, Godzilla… Some of these illustrate my point. All of them are sex positions i do with your mom. Simply put, the world doesn’t have random places of “suddenly less blue” whether geographically, or by epoch. Because it’s probably the nitrogen giving the sky that color. given low levels of pollution, not even the grey hourseman, britain has less blue. but the written language does have several reasons for the sky and water to be red.

Let’s start with water lest ye wine all night about qualia. Homer’s greece, Egypt, and Isreal are all along the mediterranean. Have we checked algae records? Red algae would turn clear water to a blood or wine like sludge that would leave a black depth underneath if brushed aside or paddled through. I haven’t heard this investigated. What i have seen investigated is how statues at that time were actually painted. Guess what pigment they found? Blue. honestly, if one were to refer to water as anything but red… they would probably say something along the lines of “as clear as the sky”

Which brings us to the himmel of it all. That’s correct folks. Sky and heaven share a noun in what was the holy roman empire. Seeing as how the sky is Such a massive presence, it might be the most all encompassing example of a color. one might forgive a people for using said word for the color itself. Again rivers and lakes are clear first, and reflective second. Hell. french still uses the convention of nomme de plume and ou de tiolette instead of alias or perfume and despite these two languages being the basis of english, Eyes the color of heaven would send 72 virgin seminary students to to recriminalize marijuana. This despite the fact that white clouds cannot exist without the blue space to let light through. Red happens almost every sunset or forrest fire, and it all goes black at a certain point. Maybe pay more attention to your pupils instead of focusing your pupils on your pupils pederastors. 

Of hey anyone who’s felt james franco’s hand slip up their lulu lemons in hopes of dozing off your senioritis that semester, what’s that perfect time of day you looooooovvvvvvveeeee to film at called. Hate these jokes? Griz and bear it because it’s called the fucking golden hour. And you know what color the sky is during… the golden hour? Fuckin blue… it’s called the golden hour because that’s when the ambient dust particles whip up those killer golden sunbeams you phosphorus and college fund wasting imbicles. 

So if taking a nap on the modern day trail of tears and dropping street knowledge like that conjures up notions of a metaphysical david blaine meets one punch man than welcome to the most accessible internet cult, because there is none. I don’t like you people. Your governments treat their citizens like crap in order to more effectively treat other countries citizens like crap so they can turn around and double down on the crappiness. And now they want to shift that leadership to business just to do away with the democracy and checks and balances of it all. Who needs a espionage when a merger is on the way? Furthermore, i don’t have time for people who expect me to know more about a long forgotten stream of consciousness than they care about where i am emotionally at the present.

So before you go preaching to this choir of a whore who babbles on and on and on and on, maybe consider taking a stand me with me america. Before we can worry about our ultimate foreign threat, the british. We have a lot of internal battles to face. Namely meth abuse. If you miss a loved one or the way they used be before they started imbibing pure evil peanut brittle, you’re messages can be subtle. All it takes is subverting all the work done be radical african american groups and using their symbols for your own gain. Just like meth heads do with your car stereo. So if you want to raise up the standards in america. Raise a fist with me and send those thoughts and prayers to any scoliosis inducing, shard sniffers when we say…

Next time, don’t miss.
