

You’ve chosen an excellent team to join. Look if we’re going to pull off this Red Rocks show we’re going to need a lot of money. Here’s the thing though. I don’t want to take money from poor people. That’s why, as an elite member of team CASH MUMMY, your mission is to get money from rich people. I don’t really care how it happens as long as it’s consensual. Hell, you could even keep most of the money you get and kick back a little to ya boys and girls. Venmo @KWullums. let me tell you a little bit about yourself.

You’re special. You see the world for what it is. It’s all about the benjamins baby. There are two kinds of people in this world, sheep and sharks. By choosing team CASH MUMMY you let everyone know that you have what it takes to get the dough. You know that a salesperson is only as good as their word and you understand the high ethical standards you must hold yourself too. Coffee’s not just for closers. Coffee is for everyone. How are you going to get it to them? That’s why you want money in the first place. You wanted to make dreams come true. Why do you want to do that? Because you’re special. You see the world for what it is. It’s all accounted for in Benjamins as a means of transferring wealth and debt. Somehow we’ve convinced ourselves that some are more deserving than others. You can use this to your advantage. If anyone deserves money why not you? You’re going to give it all away any right? You’re going to give coffee to all the people who want it. Get the money you deserve! Find your local billionaires. Share your plans for the money and kick a little back when you get the coin!

What we’ll do with money if you give it to us

1) Invest In Equipment

2) Book Red Rocks

3)Rennovate Our Bus

4) Tour

5)Create More Professional content

6)Fund Homes for discounted people

7)Buy land
