
Before this whole virus panic started. I was ready to start the revolution. Luckily for me, it seems like the government is about to do my job for me. I’m going to leave this up. Enjoy the madness.

We need to prove that the working poor of the United States matter. Although, If you live elsewhere, feel free to join! It is hard to organize. It’s easy to post memes. At the end of the day, as long as we need figureheads and representatives, there will always be some amount of inequality. However, this has gone too far. We are forced to work for measly pay as those around us suffer and the people at the top get take ever growing chunks of capital and influence. Because of this. I want everyone to hear this message.


Anyone making less than $30,000 a year, Anyone without health insurance, Anyone who feels stuck without a way forward, please listen when I say, this system has made fools of us all. We all know the stick poking us into line is the threat of homelessness. Why not just take the power back by proving we'd be fine at least for a day? We all know the feeling of being stuck inside on a day off before a check comes. We know what it's like to have an empty pantry. Most of all, we know what it's like to feel like our needs aren't being met. The United States has 155,000,000 workers. An 8 hour shift at $15/hr comes to $120 before taxes. Even if your boss thinks they can't afford their workforce’s time for a day, here's a list of people who could single handedly pay literally every worker that amount with money left over: Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates, Larry Paige, Larry Ellison (I love that there's two larry's), Narc Suckernerd, Alice Walton, Jim Walton, Sergey Brin, Warren Buffet, Micheal Bloomberg, Steve Balmer, Rob Walton, Charles Koch, Julia Koch, Mackenzie Bezos, Phil Knight, Sheldon Adelson, Micheal Dell, Jacqueline Mars, John Mars, Jim Simmons, Lauren Powell Jobs, Elon Musk, and Rupert Murdoch. Needless to say, your boss can take it up with them. Hell, a lot of you reading this are probably employed by these people. They can't fire us all. If you're on work release, they can't throw you all back in jail at once; although, I'm sure Geo Group would love to try.

The day is only yours if you seize it. If you want to stand up for what you believe in, please, put this in your own words, find your inner courage, and come outside with us. Afterward, return to the status quo if you’d like.

That being said I think you could come up with a better copypasta. The way I have it laid out seems like I am waging a vendetta against the rich which frankly, is not the case. I believe everyone can benefit from a more equitable world for all. The concept is basically this. People don’t realize how far they slip into harmful behavior when it facilitates a habit they’re chasing. That’s why you see drug addicts putting up with just about anything. If we could show that the world would be fine without anyone working for pay for a day, perhaps we could break the cycle of putting a price tag on every interaction. However, This isn’t simply an economic problem. Somehow we have to get over this incessant need to be recognized and applauded. At the end of the day, contentment comes from within, and it’s a shame that so often we use that to just accept the status quo. There’s got to be a way to happily work for a better future and come together, while giving everyone a chance to learn and grow. I personally think it starts with a mass day where people look to their community rather than their workplace. This would also work if no one bought anything. anywhose

This is real

How we get funding

What the day will consist of

  • It really depends on what we get

  • If there are no funds and we’re alone, we’ll probably bust some flows early and dip.

  • If we can book it with the bare minimum, We’ll do an open mic from 6:30 till 10:30 and bust out the wullums show for whoever stuck around. Feel free to bring fun party supplies.

  • If we can get superfunded, we’ll have multiple stages and a book of revelation set. It turns out the audio book is only an hour long so I figure if you strip that of the words and reduce it to sounds and images, whoever “john of patmos” is dreaming of will get the message and we can close that time loop once and for all. JK lol people are still gonna believe what they want to believe. I figure you could get different animators on it like the reanimated episodes of old cartoons. After that it’s just a matter of choosing the music. That’ll happen at sunset and then we’ll bust out The Wullums Show for whoever stuck around. We’ll try and get as many VR camera’s as possible to film it and turn it into a video game.

Why are you going to help me?

  • Because when was the last chance you got to be part of something like this?

What’re you going to do if you don’t want to help me?

  • Tune into the livestream

  • Stay Home From Work

  • Say You caught They Wullums